Monday, August 27, 2007

Isabella's First Day of School

Isabella's first day of school was today at Silvercrest. She was very excited. Her teacher is Ms. Darras and she is very nice. She was very excited and could care less we were there. She shares a table with 3 other kids. She rides the bus home tomorrow. Amy had to go to a "Boo Hoo" Party afterwards. They eat lunch at 10:45 a.m. daily and guests are invited. You just have to stop by the office and check-in.
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Anonymous said...

O she is so cute! I can't wait to hear all about her day.

Baboo is the BEST at eating with you at lunch time! He brings the good stuff too!!

Anonymous said...

The above comment is from Aunt J!!

Naquin Family Happenings said...

Cute, cute....she looks precious