Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Isabella Day 2 and the Bus

Isabella is adapting well. She loves her new class and teacher. She has been coming home every night and done "homework". She likes math and has been adding numbers in her spiral. I went to pick her up from the bus stop this afternoon. As we were walking, her friend was walking on the other side of the street and yells "Isabella!!! that is the bad man's house!!!" Isabella responds, "What bad man??!!" She replies, "Right there!" And our resident pedo was in his garage, door open. Bella then tells me, "the bad man has some nice tools".
This is where she sits all day. She told me she cannot talk and has to raise her hand to talk. Her skirt was unzipped when she got off the bus and she said it was like that all day. I asked her why she didn't tell Ms. Darras and she said, "Cause I can't talk".
Here she is getting off the bus. She really likes riding the bus. They are really strict and check the parent's ids as they get off. Good for Pearland.
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Monday, August 27, 2007

Isabella's First Day of School

Isabella's first day of school was today at Silvercrest. She was very excited. Her teacher is Ms. Darras and she is very nice. She was very excited and could care less we were there. She shares a table with 3 other kids. She rides the bus home tomorrow. Amy had to go to a "Boo Hoo" Party afterwards. They eat lunch at 10:45 a.m. daily and guests are invited. You just have to stop by the office and check-in.
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Monday, August 20, 2007

Guitar Hero

My Buddy loves to play the Guitar.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Aerial Photos of my House

Here are some photos of my house taken from the Cessna. If you look closely, you can see Amy and Isabella standing on the sidewalk.

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Day Flying

Went flying out of Pearland Regional today with my Dad. Nice run over Silverlake, then waaaaay over to Richmond, then back down to Galveston, back up over Kemah then down into airport. Took the controls and did some landings and takeoffs with a good cross wind. Ran through some nice rain showers which cooled us off and made for some good turbulents. ciao

Amy's face when I told her I would be in a little plane all day.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Twin's First Day of Pre-School

The Twins started pre-school. YEA!!! 3 days a week 9-1:00. Summer was getting long and the break will be nice. They are going where Isabella went for 3 years, World of Wonder. They are loving it.
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